Livestock Risk Protection (LRP)
Livestock Risk Protection is designed to provide protection on fed cattle, feeder cattle, swine, and lamb against a price decline in the policy coverage period. LRP is priced and available for sale continuously throughout the year. Coverage is determined by:
number of livestock to be marketed X market weight X coverage price X insured share
Livestock Gross Margin (LGM)
Livestock Gross Margin is a Federal Risk Management program designed to protect against a decrease in margin caused by a drop in livestock. LGM can be a good fit for any farm size as it has no head limitations. This product continues to become more attractive with the addition of premium subsidies on cattle and swine, as well as a potential change to more frequent sales periods.
Livestock Mortality
Your feedlot, pasture, or dairy cattle operation is a business with unique risk management needs. The cattle are your factory and they are the most valuable part of your business inventory. They are also extremely vulnerable to many risks beyond your control. We offer specialized insurance products covering the death of cattle due to covered causes of loss. Mostly weather-related, these causes of loss can occur with little warning and result in devastating cattle losses. With our coverage, we can help you prevail through such uncontrollable events.
Dairy Revenue Protection (DRP)
Dairy Revenue Protection is an area-based product that pays when revenue drops because of lower prices, reduced production or both. DRP fills a gap in existing risk coverage for dairy producers by addressing milk basis and variability in milk production by region.